The problem with the term “mansplaining” is it targets the wrong part of the problem. Yes; it’s often men “doing it”. But by hinging the term on gender, it throws up a barrier to having people change their behaviour. “Oh, it’s cuz I’m a guy is it? Fuck you”.
The _problem_ is inappropriate advice. And if you target the _problem_ rather than the person, you’d get a better reception, and maybe a behaviour change.
Words matter if you want change. Less so if you just want an in-group pejorative.
@mattwilcox I'd totally disagree, the people who Manspain are unlikely to listen, especially to logic. Given that it mainly comes from a mix of: arrogance, lack of empathy and Dunning-Kruger. Telling them they are being sexist is likely simpler and more likely to make an impact. Plus 99.9% of people I've seen do it, are men. I really don't think tying it to gender has any difference on preventing it.
@intrbiz I would say you're wrong for those reasons.
Has it helped?
@mattwilcox For what reasons?
@mattwilcox I'd also argue that why it's predominantly men who do it, is important. On fact probably very significant. Therefore trying to gender neutralise it, is unlikely to help.