#WesStreeting thinks #technology (by which he seems to mean digital technologies) will make the #NHS more efficient & means we can stop pouring money into a 'leaky bucket'.

Quite apart the vacuity of such techno-boosterism, you would have thought in the wake of the #HorizonIT #Fujitsu disaster, anyone thinking deploying technology is the answer, might want to be more careful.

Many people are watching Mr Streeting & are getting worried about how he thinks about NHS reform!

I'm one of them!

@ChrisMayLA6 I feel it's important to point out that it is not technology which failed, but it was people.

Technology is built by people and thus is no more reliable than the people and processes which built it.

Most government IT projects fail not due to the technology, but all the people and politics involved.

The NHS could benefit from good technology and good social change. Except we have no way to make that happen.


Yes, that's a fair comment & mirrors my general view of technology (which I draw from Lewis Mumford, among others)


@ChrisMayLA6 I've worked in both Local Government and whole range of private sector projects.

Successful technology is driven by small teams who care about what they are building. Often they care enough to understand the needs of there users and stakeholder and deliver a working solution.

Sadly projects in government and big companies are driven by different levers, often focused on inaccurate cost metrics, and thus consistently fail.

Good technology requires empathy and passion, that costs.

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