So what's Labour's strategy on migration?

Well, Yvette Cooper has high-skilled migrants in her sights as she wonders if skill shortages in key sectors like IT & engineering might be filled in different ways....

Well, the answer is two fold:

* Get these firms to invest in training!

* Get them to offer better work conditions.

But in the end for the young (at least) being part of a global labour markets may still offer more advantages than disadvantages for the UK?

#workers #migrants
h/t FT


As someone in that sector, I think there are a number of key problems, specifically around the educational side. Computer Science is the degree course most people do, yet what people really want is Computer Engineers.

It's very much like trying to have Physics graduates roll into an Electronic Engineering job. They might posses the underlying knowledge in theory, but they lack any of the practical skills.

A high skill ( US PhD bioinformatics) friend and and I were recently in final round interviews to become expats in the Oxford area (I was coming from Finland). We both hit a hard wall on salaries in the 75k EUR range. I was getting that in Finland already.

I doubt the problem is poor advertising for desired skill sets.


@dnavinci @ChrisMayLA6

Yes, I would agree pay is also behind where is needs to be. Especially the gulf between UK and US pay for the industry.

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