thought I'd try krita rather than gnu imp, since I'm apparently a #KDE person now. I have foundered at the first hurdle: I can't work out how to copy the image, rather than the selected thing. (That is, to do the same thing as "Copy Visible", so I put my whole image on the clipboard.) Any ideas?

ended up taking a screenshot. of the painting program. OK, this is obviously because I have not used #Krita before and don't know what I'm doing, but... this really ought to be easier. Sigh.

@sil As a KDE person, I don't feel I have to only use QT based things. Gnuimp is still my go to image editor.

Though now I realise that it is over the top for my general use, and maybe I should look at other things. Including QT-centric apps.

@bigcalm @sil For quick edits I use Pinta. (on Plasma) And for full feature photo editing Gimp. Krita excels at digital painting.


@bigcalm @sil I've always seen Krita as more of an art creation tool rather than an image manipulation tool. I never really think about the toolkit an application has been built with, rather what its capable of doing.

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