If its Boeing I'm not going

They want the FAA to exempt a single cause catastrophic failure path and license the MAX 7


The MAX 8 had a couple of crashes because of cost saving management design decisions and killed hundreds of people.

Now a window has blown out on a MAX 9


#boeing #Safety

And Boeing are now saying that unless congress exempts them from the latest "crew-alerting" system regulations they will cancel the MAX 10 programme.

Those regulations are there for a good reason.

Maybe it would be a good idea to do a full recertification on the 737 airframe bringing it up to current standards rather than keep grandfathering in stuff from the 1960s.

The company used to be an engineering company making great aerospace stuff.


#boeing #safety



Given the MCAS disaster, I'm not sure allowing Boeing to choose profit over safety again is really going to improve things.

I certainly will be going out of my way to avoid flying on a Boeing, until they change their culture.

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