Friendos. I want to get into electronics, so I can create small gadgets for my boy. I am a somewhat competent software person, but can barely plug a 5V battery into a thing without electrocuting myself.

Where do I start? Arduino tutorials? Books?

@badlogic I'd start with an idea, what do you want to make?

Once you have that, it's way easier to make it happen, since you'll want to do it, despite it maybe being hard.

A lot of the same logic from software applies in hardware, the gratification cycle is somewhat slower and longer, with bigger highs and deeper lows, in my experience.

Failing that, pick up a RPi Pico, some basic kits of components, a breadboard and a reel of single core wire. Then give your idea a go.


Anything under 12V its very hard to do any damage, except to your wallet.

Don't get too hung up on component values, most simple electronics is a lot more forgiving than people think. We often only care about being within an order of magnitude, or the rule of thumb.

@intrbiz I suppose my first "big" project would be a custom Simon says. That seems feasible :)


@badlogic as in a device which speaks some prerecorded messages as random?

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