A couple weeks ago I upgraded one my home lab machines I use for benchmarking. Aside from getting a new Ryzen, the main change was getting a bunch of Samsung 990 PRO M.2 SSDs for storage. And the performance I'm seeing is rather atrocious :-(
For most workloads (reads/writes, sequential/random) it works fine, e.g. for random writes I can get ~50k IOPS (iodepth=1) quite easily. But as soon as I ask fio to do fsyncs (fsync=1), the performance just absolutely tanks to ~200 IOPS.
@intrbiz The slightly annoying bit on PM983 is that they're rated only for 3GB/s reads, but I specifically bought the Asus Hyper M.2 to leverage the bandwidth limits, and with PM983 that won't be possible. I know, I'm asking for too much ...
@tomasv Yeh, probably because they're older Gen 3 drives. So limited to 32GT/s.
Maybe have a look for some Samsung PM9A3 to test. Or maybe some Micron 7450 Pro.
Depends how much you want to pay I guess, but either way you'll want to look for some write optimised enterprise drives.
This has been a handy list of benchmarks, which seems reasonably accurate (mileage may vary): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E9-eXjzsKboiCCX-0u0r5fAjjufLKayaut_FOPxYZjc/edit?gid=0#gid=0
@intrbiz Thanks for the tip. It seems my MB (Asus prime b650 plus) can do 22110. I also got Asus hyper m.2 card, and that handles 22110 too.