Angry with Three, the mobile company, because I ran out of data this month (why? how do I find out from iOS when all this data got used?) and Three don't let me buy a top-up until the end of the month. No, I have to buy a RECURRING top-up and then cancel it in 4 days.
This is just theft. I hate it. There's no reason to do this but to screw people.
So: any recommendations for alternatives? I don't use much data: 4-5GB? So I should be paying, like, £10pm.
Wifi calling is required, so not Giffgaff.
@sil Giffgaff (O2)
@sil I didn't see "not GiffGaff" but what do you think it doesn't do on WiFi?
@woo giffgaff doesn't do wifi calling. I have crap coverage in the flat, so I need wifi calling, sadly.
@mavit I've read about it. Everyone I'm in regular contact with uses Giffgaff or WhatsApp to forrin parts so I literally didn't know what I was missing.