Shop assistant 1, trying to explain what she's just seen to a colleague: "You know when it's really hot out, so you take your top off and that?".
Shop assistant 2, with revulsion: "No!!"

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Just seen my first shirtless man with a beer gut of the year. And people still doubt global warming.

Join us this Sunday afternoon, 2nd March, for boardgames at our new venue, @therollingmilljq. Do please help spread the word that we've moved!



My automatically-give-every-host-a-unique-terminal-background-colour script now works with Ghostty and kitty. mavit.org.uk/termcolours/

Someone on this train carriage is playing an ocarina (badly, in case that didn't go without saying). Everyone but me is pretending not to be able to hear it.

dear applications,

please stop automatically adjusting my mic volume, i set it at that volume for a reason. i’m not clipping.

that includes you zoom, teams, skype, and edge (edge! wtf! why is this turned on by default behind a hidden flag??)

We have a new venue for March! We’ll be at @therollingmilljq in the Jewellery Quarter. Please help spread the word to your boardgaming friends that we’ve moved.


Join us this Sunday, 2nd February, for a friendly afternoon of boardgames. We'll be upstairs at Tilt, the pinball bar, in Birmingham city centre, from 2pm until whatever time we reluctantly concede it's time to go home and prepare for the week ahead.

Full details at https://afternoonplay.co.uk/post/772307552574865408/afternoon-play-february-2025

The care instructions for this scarf are topologically problematic.

I find myself today wearing double corduroy. Is this a fashion faux pas similar to double denim, or merely an appropriate response to the changing of the seasons (and the passing of the years).

I listened to The Bangles and tried to walk like an Egyptian. Now I need to see a Cairo practor.

I know we've all been distracted recently by old new Snobs moving to new new Snobs, but did anyone realise that old old Snobs is now a corner shop?!

If I want to get back into reading RSS, what software should I be using these days? I've tried a few things since Google Reader shut down, but nothing's stuck.

I updated my terminal colour setter to be easier to use, and work with more kinds of terminal emulator. It changes the background colour to be unique per host (by hashing the hostname), making it easy to tell one terminal from another. It sets the foreground colours to contrast with the background. Run it from your .profile, or wrap it around, e.g., podman/docker exec.

Website: mavit.org.uk/termcolours/

RPM packages: copr.fedorainfracloud.org/copr

Demo: curl bitbucket.org/mavit/termcolour | perl

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!