@sil Is the problem here that the non-Latin characters are being swapped in from a different font that has different metrics?
We have a new venue for March! We’ll be at @therollingmilljq in the Jewellery Quarter. Please help spread the word to your boardgaming friends that we’ve moved.
Join us this Sunday, 2nd February, for a friendly afternoon of boardgames. We'll be upstairs at Tilt, the pinball bar, in Birmingham city centre, from 2pm until whatever time we reluctantly concede it's time to go home and prepare for the week ahead.
Full details at https://afternoonplay.co.uk/post/772307552574865408/afternoon-play-february-2025
@sil I'd imagine each database table has a "what site(s) is this row relevant to?" column, that searching and browsing respects (but direct references do not). Notice that Honey Heist can be found on BGG at https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/68128
#emacs symbol-overlay-mc is now on MELPA https://lmno.lol/alvaro/symbol-overlay-mc-now-on-melpa
Thanks to @mavit!
@sil Incidentally, if I was emperor of the universe, I would ban percentages. They look like a number you could add, but are really a fraction you should multiply, and people find that confusing and difficult. You get people saying things like "The X party are ten percent ahead of the Y party in the polls", when 20% to %10 is actually double (that is, 100% ahead).
@sil I'm not sure what "percentage in their favour" means in this context, but could we see a photo of the typesetting of "10-1/123"?
@sil Re the same DB, compare https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1 with https://rpggeek.com/rpgitem/1. They are the same game.
@ryantownsend Back when email was new and unfamiliar, you didn't choose. You just got given a mailbox by your university (which you would use as you're personal address, even if technically it wasn't), or your ISP.
By the time that independent email providers were really taking off, you had clear, concrete reasons for your choice, such as price (Hotmail), brand recognition (Yahoo!), or features (GMail). But Mastodon servers all look kind-of the same, so how do you select one?
@pid_eins I'm sure there's a good (or at least, complicated) reason for this, but why not use the already-familiar ctrl-alt-del combination?
@sil There's definitely something weird and interesting going on here. You routinely damage the rings but not the keys themselves? Are you sure you're not just buying really bad rings?
I've been using the same ring for as long as I can remember (maybe as long as I've been using keys?) and it's as good as new.
@alex @sldrant They can all do it, according to https://beyondgrep.com/feature-comparison/#:~:text=List%20searchable%20files%20that%20match%20a%20pattern
@april They're secretly Thunderbird users?
@sil Does the former imply more strongly that this is Tarquin's problem to solve, rather than a by-product of the inscrutable nature of the technology (or the deliberate action of the host)?
@unspeaker I think it doesn’t really have a name as such, but is referred to by its X11 font specifier “misc-fixed”. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs-fonts.html
If your OS doesn’t supply this font in OpenType format, you could convert the bitmaps yourself; see, e.g., https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/ucs-miscfixed-fonts/blob/d1e980c8998d6f62c794bb2d2bad6b09aa8bedec/f/ucs-miscfixed-fonts.spec#_39 for the recipe. Because of a spacing bug (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/app/fonttosfnt/-/issues/7), you want fonttosfnt version 1.2.4 (which hasn’t been released yet), so perhaps extract the font files from say https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/mavit/ucs-miscfixed-fonts/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/07764419-ucs-miscfixed-fonts/ucs-miscfixed-opentype-fonts-0.3-34.fc41.noarch.rpm instead.