Which Mastodon instance should I create an account for the Bad Voltage podcast on? And what's the best way to make it so some posts go to both Mastodon and Twitter? I don't want replies (on either side) to be crossposted, but I also don't really want to have to do two release posts for every episode of the show.

@sil Is Mastodon the right tool for the job? Should you be looking at a federated service that specialises in podcasts? fediverse.party/en/miscellaneo

@mavit I believe, although I may have misunderstood, that the options there are about hosting *the podcast itself*, which is not something that needs changing. What I'm looking for here is simply that we have a Bad Voltage account here, so that I can announce shows coming out, people can talk to us here, and we can talk back; don't need anything else, and don't really wanna sysadmin a new thing if I can avoid it :)


@sil Being happy with your existing podcast hosting aside, in an ideal world would the microblog for the podcast really be hosted independently of the podcast itself? Is this one of those situations where you ask a user how the new system should be designed, and they describe to you the old system?

@mavit in theory no. But I'm more interested in minimising my sysadmin work :)

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