Gov: "You will need your Unique Tax Payer Reference number"
Me: *enters number that is labelled "Tax reference" because surely that is it*
Gov: "No, your Unique Tax Payer reference is 10 digits and includes the characters 0-9 only"
Me: *finds another number, looks promising, there's 10 digits, but there's an 11th character at the end: a letter. I guess I just enter the number part and leave the letter???*
It "works".
What a shitshow.
Two problems here:
1) It's not clear AT ALL that optional means "enter an amount if it's above zero" and not "you don't have to bother with this field because it's not important", which is what it normally fucking means
2) It seems like it's saying "calculate this yourself before entering" not "enter the amount we gave you having already processed that gross amount" which only becomes clear when you scroll way down to find the BEFORE tax box that accompanies it
@mavit @heydon it is literally the worst.