
#iosevka! because it's narrow

but the most readable at tiniest size is the default #xterm font you get on a bare-bones distro. i think it's a bitmap font (#pcf?) but idk how it's called or how to get it in a modern terminal

(also consolas used to be quite nice, way back when)


@unspeaker I think it doesn’t really have a name as such, but is referred to by its X11 font specifier “misc-fixed”. cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs-fonts.

If your OS doesn’t supply this font in OpenType format, you could convert the bitmaps yourself; see, e.g., src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/ucs for the recipe. Because of a spacing bug (gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/ap), you want fonttosfnt version 1.2.4 (which hasn’t been released yet), so perhaps extract the font files from say download.copr.fedorainfracloud instead.

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