Started playing with Ansible over the past few days, and so far I’m liking what I’m seeing. We currently use Puppet to manage our machines, but the main developers of that system left about five years ago. As such, the technical debt has finally built up to the point where essentially starting from scratch with a new infrastructure is the better option.

#ansible #puppet #devops


@skymoo It’s been a while since I’ve done a lot of Ansible, but I was finding that the more I used it, the less I liked it. It’s super-easy to get started, but after a while, minor issues like started to grate, and more fundamental issues such as long playbook runtime with no restartability became tiresome.


@skymoo Not that it was ever bad enough to throw it away and go looking for something else, mind. Mgmt ( looked like it had great potential, but it’s a shame it got cancelled by Red Hat when they bought Ansible.

@mavit Compared to our old puppet setup it's a breath of fresh air, I'm not expecting it to be free of frustrations and I imagine as we get further along in development more issues and annoyances will surface.

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