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@vyruss will publish a new #PostgreSQL extension called pg_statviz tomorrow.
He announced it today a #fosdem #pgday .
It sounds very promising.
The extension will be published on GitHub /pg_statviz

The first talk of the day here at #FosdemPGDay (a #Fosdem fringe event) and Gunnar ‘Nick’ Bluth is on the #PostgreSQL stage talking about how we can learn from his big big fail, titled “LFMF: How a CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY led to a 6 hour downtime” - lots of painful laughter in the room

@bigcalm openSUSE Tumbleweed and Microos work excellently on the RPi 4 for server tasks.

Can anyone recommend a good Android MP3/OGG player?

Preferably one which gracefully handles duplicate files and is good at handling albums. Open Source a bonus.

@popey I really like the Logitech MX Anywhere I got a while back, does both unifying receiver and BT, with a button to hop presets and a very sensibly placed charging port. Compact and still comfy.

@GossiTheDog @leak meh it sounds an accurate description of most shitty infosec sales pitches I've had to endure. Such a line never stopped the senior managers buying.

Whether it actually helped the coal face, is a totally different story.

Do y'all have any ideas on where—besides Mastodon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Planet Postgres,, and blog posts—that I should be spreading the word about the open #CFP for Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2023?

The #CitusCon CFP will close on Sunday Feb 5th @ 11:59pm PST.

It's a virtual dev event. The team is hoping for talk proposals about:
- #PostgreSQL #opensource
- Citus database extension
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

For anyone interested in infra topics, quite a wide range, a friend runs this newsletter:


echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq; echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger; echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Works even if systemd has hung, or other weird stuff, plus safely syncs disks.

@dick_turpin its better and cheaper than taking the 3 points, so it's hardly with menaces.

Plus, you might find it useful.

Here is a reminder that some people actually do good things with the fuck-you money they make from selling a company.

I wish there were more @liewegas⁠es out there.

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!