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Goodbye Stockholm, it was fun and an excellent too.

.@magnushagander opening @NordicPGDay withe a new record in attendance!

Following on from the Cat badge, I wanted to do a related one - an Elephant, quite please with how it came out.

Can't help but think that if Google or Apple really cared about what the app stores claim they protect consumers from, then they'd provide insurance to consumers to cover consumer's losses from bad apps. It seems they don't, they claim all these level of protection, and discriminate on certain types of apps, yet don't back there actual message.

A rather dangerous failure mode. It came apart when I unplugged it. I didn't notice anything wrong until I went to pack it away.

@alex that is the worst failure mode I've ever seen for a UK plug. I probably passes regulations but probably should not.

I wish more people understood that "I want the computer to generate a natural language text that sounds like a plausible answer to a question about x" and "I want the computer to answer a question about x" are two very different problems.

Jeremy Hunt "13 years ago, we inherited an economy which had crashed"

13 years ago the Tories inherited a AAA+ national credit rating. In the last 13 years, it’s been downgraded 7 times and is now AA.

National debt was £1.03 trillion in 2010, it’s £2.49 trillion today.

The UK was the 5th largest economy in the world. Now it is 7th and falling.

The living standard was on par with France, Italy or Germany. Now it is on par with Slovakia.

If anybody has “crashed” the economy it’s the Tories.

The UK's Online Safety Bill is poised to undermine encryption and create a regime of mass surveillance. Our president
@Mer__edith calls on the UK to reconsider this misguided Bill, and affirms that Signal will *never* undermine our privacy commitments:

@mattwilcox I'd also argue that why it's predominantly men who do it, is important. On fact probably very significant. Therefore trying to gender neutralise it, is unlikely to help.

@mattwilcox I'd totally disagree, the people who Manspain are unlikely to listen, especially to logic. Given that it mainly comes from a mix of: arrogance, lack of empathy and Dunning-Kruger. Telling them they are being sexist is likely simpler and more likely to make an impact. Plus 99.9% of people I've seen do it, are men. I really don't think tying it to gender has any difference on preventing it.

Poll for the #postgres folks out there... how often do you tend to upgrade major versions (roughly)? Replies with extra context super welcome 🙏

@bigcalm @alex the STM32 will almost certainly have a SPI controller. However that will require writing custom firmware. Probably better off looking for a USB SPI dongle. Or just using the power monitor board with a PI Zero or similar. Or building a custom SPI interface.

@bigcalm @alex based on a quick look, the RTK.GPIO is just using a microprocessor (STM32) on the 3nd of a USB interface. To Linux sends USB commands to STM32 to twiddle the pin states. You don't want to bit bang SPI unless you really have to, especially from userspace in Linux. The power monitor board will be using SPI to be able to poll the ADC relatively fast, making bit banging SPI via emulated GPIO poor.

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!