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@gruber GDPR does:
• Require active consent before tracking

GDPR does not:
• require interstitials or popups before viewing a web page

DMA does:
• limit the ability for companies that have a monopoly (or near monopoly) in one market from using that position to unfairly advantage them in another

DMA does not:
• “effectively ban” a social media app

Bad implementations by people who don’t care about users ≠ bad legislation

@SecurityWriter I went to uni in Lancaster, my brother to York. Plus I'm a Surrey CCC member, so Yorkshire seems a fun rival.

@SecurityWriter hmm, that sounds pretty good, but can't let people from Yorkshire win.

"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it."

I absolutely London Grammar's Californian Soil album. Except I get nervous every time All My Love plays, as the faked phonograph noise concerns me about my turntable.

There is a line in Missing by London Grammar that makes me think of Apache HTTPd. The way Hannah Reid sings provoking, just sounds like `preforking` to me.

@bigcalm TBH, don't expect Three 5G where you are, it doesn't make sense given the spectrum they have. Three have a lot of spectrum aimed at high bandwidth, small cell size. EE have a lot of low bandwidth, large cell size. Hope for good 4G where you are and good 5G when you travel.

@bigcalm Three is better than EE these days at my folk place. But Three in London these days is awful. I now run dual sim, to hop between Three and EE. Was with Three for years and the coverage was always better than I expected. In London they struggle with a lack of spectrum. If th3 merger with Vodashite goes through, at least Three should have access to better 4g spectrum. Three also invested smart in getting a lot of high speed 5g spectrum.

@intrbiz ditto on remembering "same as cp", I avoid calling them src and dest, because that's how my confusion creeps in.

@alex I always think of it as `ln -s src dst` just the same as `cp` and `mv`

Call for Papers and Registration for PGDay UK 2023 in London are open! Submit your talk, and get your ticket!

#PostgreSQL #Conference #CallForPapers #CfP #pgconfuk #London

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!