But it's a structural problem that can really only be solved by the big companies stepping up and saying, "we recognize we have a unique role to fill here, as the ones extracting the most value from this ecosystem". We cannot MAKE them do it. They have to WANT to do it.
When the companies that are making billions off open source are contributing less than the companies making millions, or (gulp) the contractors and small businesses making thousands... that's not a legal problem or a licensing problem.
The "main event", to me, is to what extent AWS (and Azure and Google), who make serious bank by spinning open source, engage with the challenge of keeping the software they spin alive.
I love the optimism of thinking I'm really going to disable #cookies consents one by one instead of just closing the browser tab. #darkpatterns
“average US president charged with 2 felonies” factoid actualy just statistical error. average US president charged with 0 felonies. Felonies Don is an outlier adn should not have been counted
@nixCraft Create HTML file, add script tag........ profit.
@neil I tend to find the length of the print doesn't significantly increase the failure rate. Especially with a filament run out sensors, were on big prints running out of filament can be the biggest issue.
Tend to find most failures on my 3D printer are caused by bed adhesion, which is usually best tuned with print orientation and if needed brims. Or by extrusion issues which tends to be related to different filament and tuning a little for it.
@tig @dick_turpin my pipeline is far from perfect, but build container and then run it, catches a lot of issues.
I saw a talk the other year of a team who put a CI/CD pipeline around an ancient VMS app which they ran in openVMS. It was pretty crazy but showed what can be done. Getting that done let them actually develope and evolve the ancient code, rather than just be scared of touching it.
@tig @dick_turpin sure, but it would only cause an issue inside the container and thus be caught in your CI pipeline.
@tig @dick_turpin if those in the trenches don't fight for other options, it won't ever change.
Staggering updates and actually using test environments should help spot kernel issues before it's too much of an issue.
Shell issues, would be part of a container build.
@intrbiz @tig @dick_turpin openSUSE Aeon is working great for me. Updates do come in large amounts sometimes like today's 1014 packages.
My ArchlinuxARM server running its systemd-nspawn containers for services has now clocked-up over two years of hassle-free service.
Coming from staged-release distributions and VMs to rolling distributions and containers has been a positive experience for me.
@tig @dick_turpin but upgrade small and often is usually far less error prone, since people understand what is changing more.
@tig @dick_turpin in a world of immutable containers the left-pad problem happens in your CI build pipeline. Great thing with openSUSE MicroOS is it will automatically reboot into the previous snapshot on healthcheck fails.
The biggest issue I had was a bootloader fuckup, which was not fun, but only an issue on my Raspberry Pis and not any of my VMs.
Problems will happen, which is why approaches like canary and staggered deployments are needed.
@tig @dick_turpin companies change control boards will eventually have to come into the 21st century. I've never seen change control actually help. Far better is to build real feedback loops and a focus on quality, rather than gating things based on bullshit.
@tig @dick_turpin but having my prod servers auto-update themselves with security fixes every few days, in a totally automated way is game changing in many ways.
@tig @dick_turpin can often be better packaged than some of the shit RPMs or bonkers PHP / Python deployments I've seen over the years. The technology is not a limiter of the quality, just like it never was before.
@tig @dick_turpin rolling releases on servers is the future. The need for RHEL to be a stable target for ISV vendors is gone with the advent of containers and flatpack. RHEL doesn't need to be a standard any more.
PostgreSQL, Linux, Java, and more. Lover of computers, electronics and Open Source. European. Lib Dem. Lead Technical Strategist nexteam.co.uk