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@vyruss congratulations Jimmy, it's a well deserved recognition. Same to @tchorix @floord @intrbiz @clairegiordano, all of whom have done a lot of work in & for the Postgres ecosystem!

@alvherre @vyruss @tchorix @floord @intrbiz Thank you Álvaro! What a delightful email to wake up to this morning, from Christoph Berg. And so happy about Jimmy, Boriss, Floor, & Chris too! I'm in good company it seems.

Some good news to end the year on: Today Christoph Berg emailed to say I am now listed on the official Contributors page for the #PostgreSQL #opensource project!

There are so many ppl ❤️ in Postgres 🐘 who have helped me on this 8.5+ yr journey, both inside & outside of #Microsoft. Thank you! 🙏

And @alvherre tells me that congratulations 👏 are also due to @tchorix, @floord, @intrbiz, & @vyruss. All of whom add so much to the Postgres world. 🐘

@michristofides that's a shame, but no worries. Please forward the event to anyone you think might be interested.

Anyone in London, interested in PostgreSQL - come and chat PostgreSQL with like minded people at our London PostgreSQL social get together.

@mntmn MNT Reform has been very appealing to me and a RPI 5 edition might appeal more.

Mostly because I've had such bad experiences of running Rockchip based boards. While they seem a bit better, upstream support still feels flaky compared to RPI.

Another day, another read through a whole-ass design system mired in *custom* "CSS-in-JS" tools that perform like crap. We will be digging out from the React community's lack of understanding about how browsers actually work for at least another decade, I fear.

Anyone in London, interested in PostgreSQL - come and chat PostgreSQL with like minded people at our London PostgreSQL social get together.

Or to put it a different way: open source maintainers are some of the most verifiably self-taught people in the history of the world, *when they want to be*. Happy to dig into tools, Google, books, mailing list archives, source code, stack traces, whatever. *If they’re motivated and have time for it.*

Saying “what they really need is… an online course” is… actually a tacit admission that what’s actually missing is time and motivation.

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I’ve told LF (and others) repeatedly that “education” as the leading point is insulting. Many maintainers know exactly what they need to do, but they lack time and energy for it. Lecturing them, I mean “giving them skills”, is… rarely the need or solution.

But “education” allows LF (and friends like GH) to continue elephant-in-the-room-ing the actual solution, which is paying maintainers for the trillions of dollars of value they create.

@Conan_Kudo I run KDE on @opensuse , love KDE and Tumbleweed. Have used every (major) release of KDE over the years. Konsole is my terminal of choice.

Next week on 📅 Tuesday 26th, I'll be speaking with @floord at the Data Community #Conference in Bern, Switzerland! We'll be talking about how to work with other people and the #PostgreSQL #community — the context is #MentalHealth and #Neurodiversity in IT and #OpenSource circles.

#postgres #database #data

Each #extinction carves a hollow into the heart of the #Earth, a life erased, its wonders unseen, leaving us to mourn what we will never know.

To lose a #species is to lose a world within a world, a singular brilliance extinguished, never again to grace the skies, the seas, or the soil.

Brilliant post by a brilliant page - @samibayly

via earthly education

#SamiBayly #ExtinctionIsForever


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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!