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@xahteiwi cloud providers' revenue and new and improved problems, seems to be the most common.

Google likes to claim it loves the web. Google fucking broke the web.

Cookie notices on every fucking website? They need those because they use Google Analytics or Google Ads.

Recipe sites that go on for fucking days? That’s because Google penalises websites when you leave too quickly, and they can’t show as many ads.

Obviously-bullshit machine-generated “content” designed to entice you to click ads? That’s because Google Search is a monopoly.

I’m so tired of Google.

@alex rather unlikely that it should be connected to the Normally Closed contact. One hopes its actually a PE and not someone totally mis-using a cable.

Hi, I work with generative machines. Everything from Markov chain generators to GPT-3. I’ve trained and tuned many models with GPT2 and 3, all with the intent of simulating human interaction.

I know a fair bit about generative machines, both how they work, and how to tune and interact with them to get particular results.

I need you to hear this: they do not know or understand anything. They are complex probability tables.


Excellent evening listening yo Darkside ( playing The Dark Side Of The Moon, 50 years and 2 days after the original release.

There are things I should have done today.
There are things I _did_ do today.
There are also things I did not.

"Everything Everywhere All at Once" would make a good title for a blog post about prioritization at tech companies.

@deavid Your 22 degree image looks much closer to a isometric projection than the 45 degree, feels much more normal.
"Unlock the wealth of User Research data within your own team! By building strong relationships with Sales, Marketing, and Support, you'll gain valuable insights into customer problems, emotions, and motivations at different stages of the product life cycle. Don't overlook the power of internal teams! "

@vyruss a bit high on the idle / min connection config by the sounds.

@sjstoelting @vyruss certainly very unlikely to see a Java app which is not using a pooler. Not sure I see that as a major issue, it's often solving a different issue to a centralised external pooler. Sure you still need to pay attention to the pooling config.

A great #pun opportunity was missed by selecting the #Scottish #Highlands for a #space #launch site instead of #Speyside

This letter is going viral -- because it absolutely rips apart BBC Question Time's right-wing bias with clear data.

Dear developers. Please don’t forget to compliment things you like about someone’s code when reviewing their PR.

"Announcing a return to work for three days a week minimum so you can still continue to video call with your coworkers and now experience a fucked up hybrid work thing where nobody's needs are met" is some serious "hey don't consider working here" flags. Love that. 🙄

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!