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Friends, need ideas, how to help more ppl <discover> a 🔥 #podcast that explores the many different paths into #PostgreSQL?

I know Step #1: invite amazing #Postgres ppl onto the show!

Step #2: be consistent, in our case monthly like clockwork

Step #3: publish on all podcast platforms incl youtube

Step #4: ask ppl to rate, review, subscribe

What is Step #5 ?

New Ep14 just dropped w/guest @intrbiz & Topic: Become expert at using PostgreSQL
#PathToCitusCon #OpenSource

Yay, this commit by @tmunro is important infrastructure work on the path to using AIO in postgres, and provides some nice improvements on its own, once used (like coalescing 8k reads into larger reads).

Latest episode of the #PathToCitusCon #podcast for developers who love Postgres just dropped, with guest @intrbiz who was fascinating to talk to.

The topic was: "Becoming expert at using PostgreSQL" & we talked about how Chris got his start as well as how he got involved speaking at (& now, organizing) Postgres conferences.

If you're into #PostgreSQL & you're into podcasts then give this episode a listen. 🎧 Would love to know what you think! 📣
#OpenSource #Postgres

Want to know the backstory for @AndresFreundTec, the #PostgreSQL developer from Microsoft who discovered the #xz #backdoor

Andres was a guest on the Path To Citus Con #podcast that I co-host a few months back (along with Heikki Linnakangas) to discuss: "How I got started as a developer (& in Postgres)"

Here's the link on YouTube & yes their stories are fascinating (it's also on most other podcast platforms too 🎙️ )

#Postgres #PathToCitusCon #developer #Microsoft

Credit where credit is due! I'd really like to take a minute and thank Jia Tan how they helped us to finally get sd_notify() support merged into OpenSSH upstream!

Thank you, Jia, you rock!

Wealth of top 1% in 2020: $30 trillion

Wealth of top 1% now: $44.6 trillion

That’s an increase of nearly 50%.

I don’t want to hear that the super-rich can’t afford a wealth tax.

They are literally the richest they have ever been.

Happening this Wed Apr 3rd at 10am PDT is a LIVE recording of Episode 14 of the monthly Path To Citus Con #podcast for developers who love #PostgreSQL

📣 who? @intrbiz + co-hosts Pino de Candia & me
🐘 topic: "Becoming expert at using PostgreSQL"
🗓️ mark your calendar if you want to be a superfan and join the LIVE recording, to be part of the parallel live text chat on Discord:

#Postgres #community #OpenSource #Microsoft #PathToCitusCon

i think the real takeaway is that postgres devs aren’t fucking around when it comes to performance

It's a nice day to design a new LED badge, hmm, maybe a Dolphin.

This is a bad take. I'd like to see the OpenSSF show a bit more empathy. A badge isn't going to stop this sort of attack.

8⃣ more days until the #PosetteConf #CFP closes on Sunday Apr 7 at 11:59pm PDT

+ Don't miss your chance to submit a talk proposal ⏰
+ Everyone is welcome to submit, from first-time speakers to super-experienced ones (and everyone in between!)
+ Here are Tips on how to get your #PostgreSQL conference talk SELECTED from blog post by @clairegiordano

#Postgres #OpenSource #Community #Microsoft #Azure #databases #CallForSpeakers

Was the xz backdoor discovery and mitigation down to luck? Of course it was — the kind of luck that would have helped absolutely zilch if it weren't for supremely competent people who built, defined, and followed the processes and practices to make exactly that kind of luck useful.

I accidentally found a security issue while benchmarking postgres changes.

If you run debian testing, unstable or some other more "bleeding edge" distribution, I strongly recommend upgrading ASAP.

I'm going to be on Path To Citus Con podcast next week. Come along as we record live and have a chance to ask questions about getting expert at using PostgreSQL.

Cheers Simon. It was a pleasure to know you, I fondly remember every time I met you, spoke with you. You were an inspiration in many ways, and will be sorely missed. Let us all carry on the good work, together.

The PostgreSQL Core Team is deeply saddened by the loss of our long-time friend and colleague Simon Riggs on the 26th of March, 2024 [...]

#Postgres #PostgreSQL #SimonRiggs #RIP

This is the best pic I have of the late Simon Riggs who passed away yesterday 26 Mar 2024. 💔 Simon's far-reaching influence in the Postgres world changed the course of so many lives. I took this photo when Simon was giving his Postgres keynote at #PGConfEU 2023 last December in Prague. RIP Simon, you will be missed by so many people, whose hearts are broken right now 💔

#SimonRiggs #RIP #Postgres #PostgreSQL

Call for speakers! Are you looking to give a talk at a #PostgreSQL conference?

The #CFP is open for @posetteconf until Sun Apr 7, so submit soon! #PosetteConf is a free & virtual event 📽️ in its 3rd year, brought to you by the #Postgres team at Microsoft

Just wrote this blog post to make sure you have all the details. Boosts much appreciated 🙌 so ppl will discover the CFP.

#OpenSource #community #conference #Microsoft #AzureDBPostgres #Azure #CFS #CitusCon

You know Redis, you could have moved to AGPL rather than screwing the whole FLOSS community.

A good example of why I refuse to contribute to projects wanted you to sign a CLA.

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!