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@intrbiz ditto on remembering "same as cp", I avoid calling them src and dest, because that's how my confusion creeps in.

Call for Papers and Registration for PGDay UK 2023 in London are open! Submit your talk, and get your ticket!

#PostgreSQL #Conference #CallForPapers #CfP #pgconfuk #London

The elephant in the room nobody talks about when discussing the #RHEL changes is the reliance of so many applications and users on a "stable" "enterprise" release because they're themselves to under-resourced to do the work to keep up with the actual speed of #OpenSource development.

Everybody should watch this #LedByDonkeys clip: Water Privatisation is a con. A complete, utter con. We should just get rid of all this - nobody benefits but rich investors

#Water #Privatisation #EnoughIsEnough #Commons #Commoning

This is the first of, probably, many posts about the changes to how Red Hat distributes RHEL sources, RHEL clones in general. Not to mention the past, present, and future of FOSS development and business.

Short version: There's probably something in this post for everybody to disagree with.

#RHEL #CentOS #AlmaLinux #opensource #GPL

Tammy Beaumont sets the record for most runs scored in an innings by an English Women's batter. Beating Betty Snowball's record from 1935.

And the 400 up for England Women in the Ashes test against Australia.

The call for papers of the #PostgreSQL #PGDay UK is open.
Make sure to submit until July 21th 2023.

I've been honoured being a member of the program committee.

So… would now be a good time to remind everyone that @SUSE ALP will have 1:1 matching products available both commercially AND freely available in @opensuse?

This will be in addition to whatever based-on-ALP offerings the @opensuse project builds

#JustSayin #redhat #centos #AlmaLinux #RockyLinux

Today, the BBC has:

- a debate show about Brexit, featuring an audience of only people who voted to leave

- a substantial profile price of a pro-forced-birth American person

- a massive section on 5 missing rich people, feared drowned

- a tiny news article about 30 missing people, feared drowned



Well, that’s the second best possible outcome for the people in that sub.

A very fast way to go. Probably didn’t even have time to notice anything wrong. Vs being barely alive and with rescue essentially impossible by the time you finally see an ROV outside, after days of blackness, terror, cold, piss and shit.

The only better outcome would’ve had to have happened days ago, floating on the surface. Even then you’d have to contend with the bends.

It’s all awful.

rescue 5 rich guys: around the clock media coverage and no expense is too much, because life is utmost concern
rescue countless poor people: rot in jail for 20y you terrorist!!1!

Imagine if we put the faces of all those lost on migrant boats on the home pages of news sites.

Rather than 5 rich tourists to a mass grave site.

Company: < goes through a twenty-five step process with an hour of downtime to downsize an RDS instance >

Also company: "We like RDS because it makes operations easier."

This may the most arrogant public statement from a corporation I have ever read.

You know who else relied on "experienced inside experts" instead of regulators to validate the safety of a system? Boeing with the 737-MAX's MCAS.

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!