Claire Giordano: Ultimate Guide to POSETTE: An Event for Postgres, 2024 edition
#postgres #postgresql
Only a few days left to get your talks into PGDay UK 2024!
Don't forget!
Learn how you can control those unknown unknowns with JSON Schema & CHECK constraints in #PostgreSQL 🐘
Tune in to the talk by @intrbiz on Wed Jun 12, 2024 🗓️ at 11:00am CEST during #PosetteConf Livestream 2 📺
Welcome CYBERTEC as a Benefactor sponsor of PGDay UK 2024 in London! #postgres #pgdayuk #london #opensource #database
It's time ⏰ to Save the Date for Livestream 2 of #PosetteConf on Wednesday, June 12 8:00am – 2:00pm CEST 🗓️
Would love for you to join us for these 11 amazing #PostgreSQL talks ✨
It's time ⏰ to Save the Date for Livestream 1 of #PosetteConf on Tuesday, June 11 8:00am – 2:00pm PDT 🗓️
Would love for you to join us for these 11 amazing #PostgreSQL talks ✨
We just finished recording our talk for #POSETTE 🏆 and I can't thank @floord 🌟 enough for being an awesome collaborator and communicator! It's like it's her "superpower" 🙄 (please skip using that term)! For more, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the talk in 2 weeks' time❗
Massive props to #PosetteConf for selecting our talk and giving us the opportunity to discuss #neurodiversity and #MentalHealth in #IT and the #OpenSource and #PostgreSQL communities.
Having a quiet long weekend, why not submit a talk proposal to PGDay UK 2024!
Maybe you can talk about some PostgreSQL internal, or your experience of using PostgreSQL, or some solution you came up with using PostgreSQL.
Lots of PostgreSQL related topics are welcome, and there's always a first time.
Submitting an abstract is pretty easy, so get some ideas in.
Well that is #POSETTE 2024 all recorded.
Come and join the live stream on June 12th
Looking for some PostgreSQL weekend listening? ☀️
Tune in to Ep 15 of Path To Citus Con podcast with @michristofides & @clairegiordano & find out why sometimes the fastest way of doing something is not having to do it at all
You only want spaghetti in your dinner, not your data!
Come and listen to how we can control those unknown unknowns when using JSONB in Postgres.
Watch online at @posetteconf on June 12th.
Missed me❓ I'm going to be speaking online at #POSETTE: An Event for #Postgres with PostgreSQL community star @floord in June❗
"How to Work with Other People" explores how recognizing and accommodating the mental differences between people can improve the workplace and the #PostgreSQL #Community.
Have you seen the awesome #PosetteConf schedule full of talks about #PostgreSQL, its extensions, and tools too?
It's time to save the date 🗓️💥
#opensource #database #postgres
CEOs never have a good answer as to why they should be paid many multiples the average salary in their respective companies
Ok I’m doin the thread I said I wanted to do last week. (feel free to mute unless you enjoy a little second-hand drama as a Monday morning treat)
Attn #devrel people! Are you job hunting? Does this pic of search results look familiar? Have you ever seen a bunch of job postings like this from Canonical and thought “gee I should apply to one of these”?
I’m here to tell you:
@intrbiz @michristofides Thank you for the bday wishes, and so glad you enjoyed Ep15 Chris!
You know, the previous podcast episode was pretty good too, also an amazing guest 😆 👀 😍
It's my birthday! 🎂 Am celebrating w/these brilliant fireworks candles (with cake) & by sharing Ep15 of the #PathToCitusCon #podcast, which is a bit of a labor of love for me
So fun to talk to guest @michristofides of pgMustard about #PostgreSQL, EXPLAIN ANALYZE, BUFFERS, the #Postgres documentation, and S vs. Zed 🐘
2 ways to listen, via your favorite podcast app or via YouTube. 🚀 Boosts appreciated
#Postgres #OpenSource #Microsoft
PostgreSQL, Linux, Java, and more. Lover of computers, electronics and Open Source. European. Lib Dem. Lead Technical Strategist