A nice 8 hour long meeting tomorrow. Where vendors are making presentations based on criteria made with little technical input.

@bigcalm ooh I know some bits about decent 'ear|head'phones. The short answer is that it depends on budget and what you listen to.

Beats = Sennheiser quality with the bass turned up.
Grado = My personal favs, high mids.
Sony = Bassy, but good noise cancellation
Sennheiser = good value for money, but I personally don't like their higher end stuff (I dislike the sound profile).
Shure = well rounded. I just didn't find them esp hard-wearing, I e. They didn't last me very long.

The list goes on.

Having to write a generic 30 min presentation about Linux servers (for windows admins), that will be presented immediately after a 30min presentation about the Linux desktop by someone who is respected by the intended audience. Struggling for inspiration.

Bought a Pine Star64 board. If it ever arrives getting a functioning OS is going to be an enjoyable challenge.

After seeing some today. I'm keen to think what I would do an ignite talk on (5min talk, 20 slides), if the need arose.

Does it count if it's bits added to inherited code?

@intrbiz That is likely what I will go with.

I didn't put much context, but it's same company different team. The HPC role I mentioned before. They turned around and decided to offer a short secondment instead of the role. That, as well as the whole interview process, along with others confirming my suspicions of the managers management style has made me decide I'd rather be less challenged and happy, than doing cool stuff but not enjoying it.

Suggestions of how to nicely say 'Thanks for the job offer, but no thanks. I don't think we'll get along with you as my manager'?

The most frustrating part of debugging your own code, is removing all the print statements once you finally fix the issue.

@sil I've heard generally good things about them. The only negative I'm aware of, was a land dispute regarding a cab, but they paid out once ownership was proven. The chief engineer posts on the UKNOF and UKNOT mailing lists, if you need to reach them.

How far behind the times is chucking a site together with rails, bootstrap, and postgres? Asking for a friend.

You apply for a HPC role, and get offered a secondment for said role instead. Now I'm unsure what to do.

First conference in over a decade, heading to next week.

@bigcalm I got work to let me come along. So I should see you there next Thursday/Friday.

The moment I start to question my impostor syndrome is when I interview for senior HPC Linux roles, and my technical knowledge isn't really questioned.

@mavit the problem is that I don't know one. I've played with flask, Sinatra, and back in the day just mod_perl and some scripts. But now if I want a framework I can fairly easily make something half decent.

Can anyone recommend a web framework for someone that seldomly comes out of general sysadmin and gitops?

Nothing like pushing to production on a Friday afternoon, especially if you skip linting. Completely unrelated, getting fed up of YAML now.

Trying to play Horizon Zero Dawn. It's a beautiful game, but finding it slow and grindy.

Bought a portable today. Purely for bathroom and garden use. Other than the app still being awful, I am pleasantly surprised by it.

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Time for a cuppa... Earl Grey please!