The correct response to realizing computers are fast is not to make your software slow, because:
a.) you won't benefit as much as you hope
b.) if you break pro-user norms, so will every other site/app/library, and your thing will feel slow even if it's "fine" in isolation
c.) HW bounty is not evenly distributed, so your product becomes less usable non-linearly below some resource floor
Pretending constraints don't exist is not engineering, it's bullshitting.
@tomasv Yeh, probably because they're older Gen 3 drives. So limited to 32GT/s.
Maybe have a look for some Samsung PM9A3 to test. Or maybe some Micron 7450 Pro.
Depends how much you want to pay I guess, but either way you'll want to look for some write optimised enterprise drives.
This has been a handy list of benchmarks, which seems reasonably accurate (mileage may vary):
@tomasv The best drives I've got which benchmark at 200k IOPs (4 jobs) are Samsung PM983s, there seems to be quire a few going cheap on ebay at the moment. Only slight issue is they are 22110 size, so mounting in most consumer motherboards is out the window.
@tomasv I've not found any Samsung consumer NVMe drives which benchmark well for me under direct / sync IO. The only recent consumer drive which was good was the Crucial P5, but they've dropped that and their later models are poor. It seems the current trend is getting PCIe 4/5 bandwidth and power loss protection is less important, so direct / fsync io has suffered.
BambuLab basically locks down their entire 3D printer ecosystem with this ridiculous cloud authorization system.
You want to print locally via your LAN? Sorry, the cloud needs to authorize your g-code first.
Want to use another slicer to send your job to the printer? Sorry, no.
Would it really still surprise anyone if DRM'd filaments are next on their agenda? Their printers are good, their prices are cheap, but please, stop supporting this company.
Thinking of Aaron Swartz today & I’m stuck on this photo - he & OpenAI CEO Sam Altman (both circled) each scraped 1000s of docs but one did it to make the knowledge free for all while the other did it to make $$$$ through probabilistic plagiarism. The US DOJ only came after one of them & the other is feted by tech bros and executives.
Thank you Aaron for so much, for RSS, for Markdown, for Creative Commons and more. I’m sorry our society failed you.
@popey seems that 16GB CM5 have quietly been listed on some suppliers.
I’ve done it. Now there is an easy way to figure out whether or not you should use React for your or your company’s next project or product:
The #CFP deadlines for 4 different #PostgreSQL conferences are upon us! One of the deadlines, for @pgconfdev, is this Mon Jan 6.
So if you want to share your 🐘 #Postgres stories, it's time to carpe diem ⏰ & submit your talk proposals. Remember that new speakers are welcome to submit 👍
🚀 Boosts appreciated from all of you who care about Postgres, to help spread the word. @pgdaychicago @pgconfde @posetteconf
#conference #CallForSpeakers #OpenSource #database #PGConfdev #PosetteConf
Some good #PostgreSQL CFP deadlines are coming up soon, as in today Dec 31st. Here is the list of speaking opportunities below—please help to spread the word! 🚀
#CFP #conference #Postgres #databases #OpenSource
The #38C3 presentation about the massive #Volkswagen data leak is over and the leak was as bad as it sounded. 100,000s of cars could be located down to cm precision. Also a lot of metadata that is NOT supposed to be public. Disturbing.
The main takeaway was that the real problem here wasn't the leak itself, but that this data was collected in the first place.
I agree. It's not a good idea to create mountains of very personal data and then pray it never leaks.
As it turns out, Volkswagen has been collecting extensive geo data from all their electric cars and made them available online in an AWS bucket. Almost 10TB of geo traces from 15 MiO cars. Amazing detail and patterns. This is why I don't want a smart car 🤯 #Volksdaten
@vyruss congratulations Jimmy, it's a well deserved recognition. Same to @tchorix @floord @intrbiz @clairegiordano, all of whom have done a lot of work in & for the Postgres ecosystem!
Some good news to end the year on: Today Christoph Berg emailed to say I am now listed on the official Contributors page for the #PostgreSQL #opensource project!
There are so many ppl ❤️ in Postgres 🐘 who have helped me on this 8.5+ yr journey, both inside & outside of #Microsoft. Thank you! 🙏
And @alvherre tells me that congratulations 👏 are also due to @tchorix, @floord, @intrbiz, & @vyruss. All of whom add so much to the Postgres world. 🐘
@michristofides that's a shame, but no worries. Please forward the event to anyone you think might be interested.
Anyone in London, interested in PostgreSQL - come and chat PostgreSQL with like minded people at our London PostgreSQL social get together.
PostgreSQL, Linux, Java, and more. Lover of computers, electronics and Open Source. European. Lib Dem. Lead Technical Strategist