@bigcalm Smart home protocols and standards are a total mess of walled gardens and interop issues.
Zigbee and ZWave devices are fairly well standardised and talk locally but you need adapters. It's also not uncommon for devices to require a manufactures hub to update.
For WiFi connected devices there are no widespread standards that I'm aware of and it's very much down to the manufacturer's design.
What we think improves productivity vs. what actually does.
It's often easy to feel like you’re only productive if you are working hard non-stop. That’s a misnomer. Breaks are vital for boosting productivity and deterring burnout. Make time to re-energize,
get rest and enjoy life in between.
Illustration by Liz Fosslien
This looks really interesting for encrypted volumes on Linux: https://shufflecake.net/
I keep hearing that #Mastodon is not likely to replace #Twitter. To that I say: so what?
I've been contributing to the #Linux desktop for the last 15 years not because it's likely to replace #Windows, but because providing people with free desktop is the right thing to do.
I use and support Mastodon not because it's likely to replace Twitter, but because it's a social network done right.
Decided to look at network stats again. There are 1M more people using #Mastodon today than there were on October 27.
Call for Papers for #FOSDEMPGDay 2023 (both FOSDEM Devroom + PGDay on Friday) is open. Submit your talks!
#PostgreSQL #Conference #FOSDEM #CfP
Call for Papers for #NordicPGDay 2023 in Stockholm is open. Submit your talks!
@dick_turpin @tig you miss an important point. He had agreed to buy it before he walked away. He tried to weasel out of a contract he signed, one that he purposely waived due dil on. He brought it because his ego got threatened, which has all turned out correct.
@dick_turpin I'm not paying the same price as Amazon Prime to get 50% less ads. But I think the key thing is, he's made it uncool. And given people a reason to branch out by rocking the boat. If he had been slow about it, the rats would not flee the ship.
@dick_turpin I don't think it has anything to do with free speech BS. It's simplier than that. Twitter needed ad revenue to exist. Musk's uncertainty and inconsistency has scared advertisers, they pulled there spend. He's now in a rock and hard place having lost 1B revenue loss for 2023. Great advantage of Mastodon is not having to rely on ad revenue.
Setting up my Mastodon server made me think about #PostgreSQL availability and backups.
At the moment it's just a single database instance.
Harald's #pgconfeu talk on Reasonable Availability, did a great job in explain that we don't always need the complexity.
However it prompted me to think that there are many times where sensible backups probably should be the first port of call rather than availability.
PostgreSQL, Linux, Java, and more. Lover of computers, electronics and Open Source. European. Lib Dem. Lead Technical Strategist nexteam.co.uk